Square Candy Design

Square Candy TinyMCE Reboot

An opinionated reconfigureation of the default wordpress TinyMCE settings.

View the Project on GitHub squarecandy/squarecandy-tinymce

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WordPress is awesome, but some of the TinyMCE rich text editing options that come out of the box are not ideal for less web-savvy editors and clients. This plugin provides some modifications to the standard editor buttons and features that will make it easier for clients to have as all the formatting options that are good for them and remove options that can break a custom site design.

screenshot of updated TinyMCE interface



As the description states, this plugin makes opinionated changes to the default setup. I don't plan to grow this into a bulkier plugin that allows you to modify and customize all aspects of TinyMCE. Try TinyMCE Advanced or other existing plugins for that.


If this plugin has been useful to you and you want to see further development consider making a donation:

Sure, I'll donate $10 since I'm using this on a commercial project.

Hey, I'll donate $50 since I'm using this on a bunch of commercial projects.